

“Chemistry is the basis of Life, it is discovered, not invented”



With its line of green products, OLITEMA, realizes a complete cycle of production and treatment of oil crops with their transformation into materials that can be directly used as lubricants, chemical and industrial auxiliaries.


The raw materials of natural origin used by OLITEMA are produced keeping in mind the need not to alter the landscape aspect of the area, encouraging tradition and the arrangement of local crops.


OLITEMA sustains a negative Carbon Dioxide Emission Budget, that is, it releases less into the atmosphere than the plants absorb in their growth, with the operational result of Energy Self-Sufficiency through a self-sustaining system.

OLITEMA’s green products come entirely from renewable sources thanks to an innovative low-impact technology that aspires to use the molecular complexity of the plant raw material to produce chemical products with high added value.

OLITEMA’s process of transforming vegetable oils into Bio Polymers enables it to replace traditional mineral bases while enhancing performance and sustainability.

Renewability and Sustainability

Foundry Alfe Chem and OLITEMA promote a sustainable development model through the use of renewable resources that do not compromise the needs of future generations, respecting people, the environment and society as a whole. In addition, Olitema’s product range meets the requirements of regulatory regulations and standards, whether technical, administrative, national or international.

Starting with sustainable raw materials of plant origin and using new technologies with low environmental impact, OLITEMA develops and manufactures an innovative range of bioproducts for numerous sectors that are continuously being expanded and developed (bioplastics, polymers, lubricants, biofuels, home and personal care products). Taylor-made products from renewable raw materials are engineered with consideration of environmental impact and possible energy savings, applying a process of continuous improvement of production efficiency throughout the supply chain, starting with the sourcing of raw materials.